CoolSculpting Elite Before and After | New Treatment + Better Results — Emerson Medical

CoolSculpting Elite Before and After | New Treatment + Better Results

CoolSculpting Elite Before and After: New Treatment, Better Results

CoolSculpting Elite before and after images illustrates the transformative physique results possible with the new fat freezing treatment. The makers of CoolSculpting introduced the new CoolSculpting Elite treatment featuring the addition of two c-shaped applicators and a new machine. The new fat freezing procedure eliminates twice the amount of fat cells in less time when compared to the original treatment. Read on to see more before and after pictures and learn all about the new Elite treatment.

CoolSculpting Elite Before and After pictures*

The before and after images from CoolSculpting Elite recipients prove that this new fat-freezing treatment is superior. Those treated achieve a noticeably more dramatic fat reduction. As with any cosmetic procedure, results will vary per person.* However, each person achieves dramatic fat reduction thanks to the new technology used in CoolSculpting Elite.

CoolSculpting Elite Treatment Areas

The new CoolSculpting machine comes with seven re-designed applicators. Each one differs in size and shape. This new technology distinguishes CoolSculpting Elite as the only FDA-cleared treatment to reduce fat, non-invasively, in nine total areas on the body.

The nine new treatment areas include:

  • Lower belly or abdomen

  • Love handles or flanks

  • CoolSculpting thighs (inner and outer)

  • Upper arms

  • Armpit area or bra bulge

  • Submental region (double chins, turkey neck, and jowls)

  • Banana roll below the buttocks 

CoolSculpting Elite before and after Cost

CoolSculpting Elite costs vary per patient and surprising, per body area. Some of the factors that will determine the price of this revolutionary treatment include the number of cooling sessions required for desired results, applicators used, and more. However, the cost of CoolSculpting Elite is set by the manufacturer, so the price will be relatively the same no matter where you choose to freeze your fat.

Prices are also heavily affected by which areas you are choosing to target. For example, someone who is CoolSculpting their belly may only need to use one small applicator whereas someone else may need to use the large applicators. The person who receives the small applicator will pay less than the person who needs the larger one. If you want to learn more about the CoolSculpting applicators and how the cost varies on your treatment areas, contact Emerson Medical for a consultation.

What to Do Before Your CoolSculpting Elite Appointment TO ACHIEVE THE BEST BEFORE AND AFTER RESULTS

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure. Therefore, you don’t need to do very much in preparation for your appointment. We do recommend avoiding blood-thinning medications or supplements. Stop taking these for about a week before your scheduled appointment. Blood-thinning products include green tea, turmeric, aspirin, fish oil, garlic, and vitamin E.

On the day of your treatment, wear comfortable clothing. Your skin may be slightly red, inflamed, and tender immediately after your appointment. Wearing loose clothing can help you stay as comfortable as possible during your drive home. You may also wish to bring some type of reading material or another source of entertainment with you. This will help keep you from getting bored during your procedure.

CoolSculpting Elite Results*

The process of cryolipolysis continues over several weeks. Many reports visible fat reductions in as little as 4 weeks. However, most patients will see optimal results in 8 - 12 weeks. Although it can be easy to want immediate results for your CoolSculpting Elite before and after photos, many patients appreciate the gradual fat reduction as it mimics the appearance of natural weight loss. As with all cosmetic procedures, individual results and experiences will vary.

CoolSculpting Elite BEFORE AND AFTER: Aftercare Instructions

Part of ensuring you have impressive before and after images is following proper aftercare instructions. You don’t need to worry about bleeding or other post-treatment complications after CoolSculpting Elite. This treatment doesn’t require any incisions or stitches. However, we do recommend avoiding strenuous physical activity for a few days. Doing so may help minimize discomfort and localized swelling. We also encourage you to stay hydrated after treatment. Drinking plenty of fluids can help your body with its natural waste-removal processes. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking after treatment.

It’s natural for the treated area to get red, stiff, and swollen for a few hours after we remove the applicator. You may also experience some mild bruising and tenderness for up to a week. These symptoms are nothing to cause alarm and should resolve on their own. We may recommend gently massaging the treated area. This may help facilitate the removal of frozen fat cells from the body. We may also advise you to apply ice packs as needed for swelling and discomfort.

Some people may experience additional, rarer symptoms. These may include tingling, muscle cramping, aching, or deep itching. If you experience any of these symptoms, it will probably happen within the first two weeks of treatment. Reach out and let us know if any of these symptoms develop. We may advise you to come back in for a follow-up appointment to see what’s causing them.

How to Achieve Optimal CoolSculpting Elite Before and After Photos

Each CoolSculpting Elite candidate has two primary concerns when considering treatment: their candidacy and the expertise of the person performing the service.

CoolSculpting Elite Candidacy: CoolSculpting Elite is not for everyone. In fact, there is such a thing as an ideal CoolSculpting candidate. The perfect treatment candidate is a healthy, active adult who struggles with stubborn fat bulges in areas like the stomach, upper arms, or thighs. To get the best before and after results, the individual must be the perfect candidate for CoolSculpting Elite treatment.

CoolSculpting Elite is Technique Sensitive: As with all cosmetic treatments, the person performing the treatment affects the participant’s results. CoolSculpting Elite is technique sensitive. This means the more skill the provider has, the more dramatic the before and after results. When selecting the best CoolSculpting Elite provider, confirm that the facility is a reputable medical spa or clinic with licensed CoolSculpting Elite technology. 

The best way to ensure your provider meets both concerns is by scheduling a free CoolSculpting Elite consultation. During your consultation, you can speak with a staff member about the new treatment and conclude whether or not it is right for your physique. If this fat-freezing procedure is best suited for you, our specialists create the perfect treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic body goals while staying within your budget. 

How to Maintain Your Results After CoolSculpting Elite

After CoolSculpting Elite treatment, your body permanently rids itself of the damaged fat cells. Once removed, those same fat cells can never return to your body. However, it is still possible to gain weight and destroy your treatment results. To protect your treatment outcome, follow a disciplined diet and workout routine. Doing so will allow you to continue enjoying the results of your CoolSculpting Elite treatment long into the future.

We also recommend receiving your entire series of recommended treatments. Failing to do so could impact your final results. Most of our patients need up to three treatments to see their ideal results. However, you may need more or fewer treatments than the average person. It all depends on how well your body responds to treatment. After your initial series of treatments, please attend all follow-up appointments and evaluations. We will analyze your progress during these appointments to make sure you get the outcome you want.

How Does CoolSculpting Elite Work?

CoolSculpting Elite uses revolutionary controlled cooling technology to freeze away fat. The science behind CoolSculpting Elite before and after transformations is cryolipolysis. During a CoolSculpting Elite treatment, fat cells are gathered and exposed to cold temperatures. Treatments are non-invasive, and the cooling does not damage surrounding or overlying tissues and skin. Fat cells that are frozen will crystallize and rupture, rendering them useless. The body marks these fat cells as waste and processes them naturally via the lymphatic system. Once fat cells are gone, they cannot regrow and return.

Benefits of CoolSculpting Elite

In addition to amazing before and after photos, there are many benefits to CoolSculpting treatments such as:

  • Safe and Effective Stubborn Fat Reduction

  • Additional and Larger Applicators to reduce 2x the fat in half the time

  • Ideal Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction

  • Reduce stubborn bulges in belly, arms, thighs, and more

  • Virtually Painless

  • Little to No Downtime Required

  • Long-lasting, Natural-looking results

  • Sculpt and shape attractive contours

  • FDA-cleared, Scientifically Proven

Can I Get CoolSculpting Elite Before and After Results on my own?

No, it is impossible to get CoolSculpting Elite before and after photos with your own efforts. DIY CoolSculpting at home is dangerous and can result in thermal injuries to the skin. Some people believe that ice packs can mimic the cooling treatment of freezing fat. It does not. It is impossible to keep a consistent temperature on ice packs, and there is no suction for fat cells to be gathered. CoolSculpting should be left to the professionals. In order to get the CoolSculpting Elite before and after transformation you desire, choose a skilled and reputable provider.

Why Choose Emerson Medical for CoolSculpting Elite Before and After

Emerson Medical is the premier provider of CoolSculpting Elite in Staten Island, NY. Dr. Natalya Chalik is the provider at Emerson Medical and is an expert in body contouring. Dr. Chalik is board-certified and provides personalized care for each patient. She understands that medical and cosmetic care is not one-size-fits-all. 

You can rest assured that Emerson Medical will provide the highest standard of care in helping you get your CoolSculpting Elite before and after photos. Emerson Medical stays up-to-date with the latest technology to provide the best services to men and women in the surrounding areas of Staten Island, NY. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chalik to learn more about CoolSculpting Elite.

CoolSculpting Elite Near Me in nyc

If you want to learn more about the new CoolSculpting Elite and secure your own optimal before and after transformation, contact Emerson Medical. We are a premier provider of CoolSculpting Elite in NYC where we serve the surrounding areas of Staten Island. We are proud to offer this new fat-freezing treatment to our clients and ensure each receives an optimal fat reduction. Call us at 718-448-3800 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.

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