CoolSculpting for Men - Staten Island Fat Reduction

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CoolSculpting for Men: Staten Island Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting is the world’s most popular, non-invasive fat reduction treatment. CoolSculpting safely and effectively reduces stubborn fat deposits by exposing fat cells to precisely controlled cooling, literally freezing away fat. This innovative body contouring procedure is safe and painless, uses no scalpels or needles, and requires no downtime, distinguishing CoolSculpting as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction!

CoolSculpting ability to reduce fat for a sculpted, skinny physique doesn’t only appeal to women. CoolSculpting for men makes up a significant portion of 5 million CoolSculpting treatments performed to date. The LA Times wrote about this phenomenon in the article: "With cosmetic treatments, more men enlist in battle of the bulges." Interviewing prominent CoolSculpting providers, the LA Times explains CoolSculpting “has been a surprisingly big draw for men, [One plastic surgeon] estimates that 43% of his body-contouring patients are men looking to rid themselves of love handles and male breasts, or "moobs."


Learn More about Reducing Belly Fat with CoolSculpting >>


CoolSculpting for Men : Targeting Man Boobs

CoolSculpting’s ability to improve pseudogynecomastia, the medical term for moobs, was supported in a recent publication in the Journal of Dermatological Surgery. The paper, titled “Cryolipolysis for Targeted Fat Reduction and Improved Appearance of the Enlarged Male Breast” found that 95% of men participating in the study saw visible reductions in fat and improvements in the overall appearance of “breasts,” after only two CoolSculpting treatments. This led researchers to conclude that CoolSculpting provides “a safe, effective, and well-tolerated non-surgical treatment of pseudogynecomastia.”

Why the surge of CoolSculpting for Men?

While both men and women use CoolSculpting to help reduce stubborn fat bulges, typically, men and women differ in their reasoning. When women get CoolSculpting, many of them say they hope to increase their confidence by improving their body image. CoolSculpting for men on the other hand, is often done because male patients believe a slimmer, sculpted body will offer a competitive advantage in the work place and help them be more attractive when dating. As Bloomberg magazine further explains, non-invasive cosmetic procedures such as CoolSculpting are “are becoming viewed by men as a method of self-enhancement, like eating well, wearing nice clothes, or going to the gym.”

Men’s CoolSculpting Before and After*

Many of the most impressive CoolSculpting before and after pictures depict real male patients who have seen amazing physical transformations following CoolSculpting treatments. Individual experiences may vary, but these male CoolSculpting before and after pictures demonstrate typical CoolSculpting results showing dramatic reduction in love handles and belly fat.*

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CoolSculpting reviews from Men’s magazines

As more and more men enjoy slimmer, more masculine physiques with CoolSculpting, major media outlets that focus towards male demographics have written about the CoolSculpting for men trend, offering their readership unbiased CoolSculpting reviews.

Men’s Fitness echoes the consensus of CoolSculpting reviews found in major men’s magazines explaining that this non-invasive fat reduction treatment can “help [men] lose fat in areas that [they] haven’t been able to hit through diet and exercise.” And GQ magazine assures readers that CoolSculpting “really works…removing fat noninvasively has been the holy grail for a long time, and this is it.” Noting “the [CoolSculpting] machine has been running day and night, with men coming in huge numbers.” CoolSculpting reviews, like this one from Men’s Health set realistic expectations for their readers explaining "It's not like we're putting [men] on the covers of magazines and giving them six packs," after a single CoolSculpting session, "but areas that bulge—especially love handles for men—can go away."

CoolSculpting Near Me:

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Staten Island Provider

If you are a man or woman wanting to reduce stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise, and hope to contour your physique, contact Emerson Medical, the leading CoolSculpting Staten Island provider. We are renowned for our raving CoolSculpting reviews and helping our patients transform their body so they love the way they feel and look from any angle. Call today at (718) 448-3800 to schedule a free consultation or sign up online and save 25% off your first CoolSculpting treatment from Emerson Medical!