How to Reduce Belly Fat: CoolSculpting Staten Island

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CoolSculpting in Staten Island is a non-surgical solution for reducing stubborn belly fat. Learn more about the causes of lower abdomen fat and how CoolSculpting reduces stubborn fat from the belly to reveal a slim and sculpted stomach.

How to Reduce Belly Fat: CoolSculpting Staten Island

Fat in the lower abdomen goes by many names: belly fat, pouch, gut, beer belly, and more. Regardless of what you call it, belly fat is a common problem area for people trying to slim down and lose weight. This stubborn fat deposit is notorious for resisting diet and exercise, leading healthy men and women to seek out better ways to get rid of belly fat.

Why does belly fat commonly resist diet and exercise?

The factors that cause men and women to gain fat in their lower abdomen isn’t exclusively due to lifestyle. Therefore, lifestyle choices, such as eating healthy and working out may not be enough to get rid of belly fat.

What causes belly fat?

Doctors believe that genetics, hormones, age, gender, and medical conditions influence fat distribution. For men, the body tends to store excess fat in the lower abdomen, creating the classic “apple-shape” body type. For younger women, estrogen directs excess fat to the buttocks, thighs, and hips, creating the classic “pear-shape” body type. However, as women age, estrogen levels drop, and fat begins to accumulate more and more in the lower abdomen. This is not the only cause of the “middle age spread.” Both men and women accumulate more belly fat as the metabolism slows down and calorie-consuming muscle mass depletes.

Solutions for Belly Fat

While diet and exercise remain a fundamental part of maintaining health and controlling weight gain, it is not always enough for getting rid of belly fat. That’s why many men and women seek out professional solutions for reducing stubborn bulges.

Liposuction is an effective fat reduction treatment. However, many people are afraid of the invasive nature of liposuction, which includes anesthesia, scalpels, stitches, lengthy recovery times and expensive surgeon bills. 

CoolSculpting Staten Island: The Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction

CoolSculpting is the world’s most in-demand treatment for non-invasive fat reduction. FDA cleared as safe and effective; CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to literally freeze targeted fat cells to death. The results are dramatic, as demonstrated in CoolSculpting before and after pictures, and scientific research shows a 25% reduction of targeted fat after a single CoolSculpting treatment.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting uses patented cooling panels to safely freeze underlying fat cells without harming the skin or surrounding tissue. When fat cells are exposed to freezing temperatures, they crystalize, triggering apoptosis, or cellular death. The body’s metabolic process collects the crystalized fat cells and eliminates them from the body as waste. This results in a natural looking reduction in fat that is long lasting.

Learn More About CoolSculpting >>

CoolSculpting Staten Island

Emerson Medical is the premier CoolSculpting Staten Island provider providing unparalleled service at some of the best CoolSculpting prices in Staten Island.

Experience matters. Most CoolSculpting Staten Island providers use staff members to perform their fat reduction procedures. In contrast, all CoolSCulpting treatments from  Emerson Medical, are performed by Dr. Natayla Chalik, MD. Her medical expertise and extensive background in weight and fat management provide patients with the best CoolSculpting results possible.  Call Emerson Medical today at (718) 448-3800  to learn about current CoolSculpting promotions for new clients.